Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Manifest is a Passenger List

We are going to the Ellis Island site, ellisisland.org, to view ship manifest information.  These documents were placed on roll microfilm many years ago, and are available at the US National Archives in DC where I obtained my hard copies by searching indexes, spinning the film on readers, and then  printing. This Ellis Island site is an automation of the information at National Archives.

First we will look at the SS St Louis manifest from May 8/9, 1910, for grandmother Bella and children Millie, Leah, Israel (Isadore), and Mary. 

The Manifest is contained on two pages, on lines 6 through 10.  Click here for the left side, and here for the right-hand side.

Next, click here for the Passenger Record for Israel/Isadore. Note that his age was incorrectly transcribed.  Click to see my annotations in 2004 and 2010 updating and correcting the age in my father's record:
Now we will look at grandfather Julius Glickman's manifest.
I was unable to find any record of Julius arriving in the US.  On a trip to Rochester I went to the county court house / records center to look at his request for naturalization. In the folder was a piece of paper that asked what name he used when he entered the US.  His reply was 'Sam Silver'.  Turned out that Sam Silver was the butcher on Grimsby Street in London where the family lived.  The arrival date matched what Julius indicated.  Click here for the Glickman/Silver Manifest. The right-hand side of the document appears to be missing.

Click to see a writeup of Julius G and family that I compiled from census records, stories from Millie G, and other records. 

Below is Julius Glickman's World War 1 Draft Registration Card from 1918.
1930 US Census is below. It indicates the family owned their $6000 home at 1434 St. Paul St. in Rochester, did not own a radio, and that Millie and son (my cousin) Leon were living with them.  Grandfather Julius was not working, but all older children were employed.  Father Iz was 24 and an attendant in a gas station.  Julius apparently forgot about his first marriage, claiming his first at age 23 which would be when he married Grandmother Bella, his second wife.

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